Commentary: So your child wants to be a YouTube star?

SINGAPORE: Parents all over the world are gawking at Ryan, the highest-paid YouTube sensation and star of Ryan ToysReview, and the seven-figure mother lode he hauled in final year. If you lot accept a cute and precocious principal schooler under your wing, news like this might make you go:

Darn, why didn't I call back of that outset?

It seems so elementary – buy the latest toy, unbox it, and motion picture your child going gaga over it. (Adult theatrics are completely optional.)

Did you know that unboxing videos are a genre of its ain? It's as if watching someone unwrap a box and remove a product from its box allows us to live vicariously in that moment.

Some commentators say that such videos ride on consumer aspirations, pandering to our insatiable ambition for objects of desire.

The coin and fame are enticing, only how realistic is it to expect our kids to become instant online celebrities?

Beneath the facade of well-polished videos, what is lost when our kids focus on capturing content for others rather than living in the moment?

And what happens when a young star does everything for the sake of an audience and his popularity?


A friend of mine recently went on a holiday with some friends. In the grouping were two immature YouTubers who basically did a running commentary on their phones everywhere they went.

Everything on the trip – from scenery to people to food – were seen and experienced through the photographic camera lens.

(Photo: Unsplash/Tim Gouw)

Like developed influencers, these kids aspire to be rich and famous past racking up popularity on YouTube and other social media channels.

READ: Confessions of a wannabe social media 'influencer'

Some even unabashedly tell their parents non to worry almost retirement as they will earn plenty through their trade to support them.

Nosotros don't wish to be a moisture blanket and dunk their dreams of online fame, merely how practice we inject a good for you dose of realism when faced with such sentiments?


Autonomously from your kid possibly getting starry-eyed or having hands glued permanently to their devices, what else can you expect if your child is an aspiring YouTuber?

READ: When should children be allowed to have their own mobile phones? A commentary

Some kids go carried away by the winds of popularity and cannot end themselves from asking random strangers to follow their aqueduct.

Others may detect it hard to manage the digital distractions coming from fans or viewers leaving comments and asking questions online.

As self-command and other executive function skills are still developing in a immature child, information technology is also easy to swept upwardly in the dynamics of social media and get carried abroad with the hustle and bustle of wanting to create more YouTube videos.

It's not merely brainstorming ideas and seeing them to fruition; one has to piece of work difficult at figuring out how best to connect with others online, and what makes them stand out from the millions of others.

Your kid will take to work doubly hard to continue up with their studies and homework, in order to maintain such a time-consuming endeavour.

One may argue that it is just some other hobby, no less legitimate than more than traditional hobbies similar music, sport or fine art.

All the same, where it differs is in the medium.

Because this hobby entails interacting with others online, it may leave little room for face up time and socialising with peers, if left unchecked.

(Photo: Unsplash/MI PHAM)

Common sense will as well tell us that we cannot let kids loose with a telephone and YouTube channel without supervision. They may chance upon unwholesome content, leading on to other addictive behaviours, or get obsessed with i as well many Internet celebrities.

This is the reality of the digital globe. Mayhap in posting, we try to satisfy our yearning for attention and recognition of our unique individuality, yet accept become more vulnerable and exposed in the process. Having our kids plunge into it requires u.s. to have a total appreciation of and know how to manage its effects.

READ: YouTube stars make bad part models and it's all our fault, a commentary


Granted, at that place are many lessons to be learnt in this new digital art form of making videos and constructing other online content to express ourselves.

Young people can exercise creativity when thinking about what they want to say and what they wish to be known for, and build discipline in planning and publishing regularly.

They might also learn how to communicate, build self-awareness and get in touch with their emotions. If they come to see it as a way of personal journaling, their foray into YouTube might aid them build authenticity and define themselves meliorate.

But parents beware, striking a balance requires close parental guidance.

A friend of mine wholeheartedly supports her son in his newfound interest in making cooking videos. He recently started his own YouTube channel and plans to create and upload iii videos a month.

He researches, plans and directs his videos, while his mother helps him film them and gives feedback along the way. She also ensures that he doesn't divulge private data in whatsoever of his videos.

She shares:

Equally long as in that location is a responsible adult effectually to guide the kids, it can be a great opportunity to learn not simply the technical aspects of creating videos, but also other problems such as privacy, time management.

I run into that he is serious almost this because he spends fourth dimension researching recipes likewise as how to film and edit.

Another friend lets her children watch Nas Daily videos to get an idea of what high quality, well-thought-out videos await like.


There is definitely value in kids getting their feet moisture in communicating with the world and creating their own unique digital footprint, merely the process is what we need to exist mindful of.

(Photograph: Nisha Karyn) A father with his children at a face painting station at the Dad'south Day Out funfair on Jun 19, 2016. (Photograph: Nisha Karyn)

Fifty-fifty as we want to support our kid's interests, nosotros need to have the time to brainwash and guide their decisions beginning.

We besides demand to prepare them mentally for any negative comments that might come their way. They should also know that once their content is published, it is actually not possible to take it back, so they must consider sensitivities viewers might have.

As with any kind of art, putting our work out for the earth to see takes backbone. It also takes conscientious planning, idea, and precision.

Apart from supervising our children in producing content, we can likewise get them to be peachy observers of their surroundings.

For example when on vacation, instead of overdosing on selfies and videos, we can stipulate gadget-gratis periods to help them experience the destination in a more intimate way.

Challenge them to think not just nigh what would make their videos stand up out, only also what adds value to their peers' lives, and how they tin can contribute.

7-yr-erstwhile Ryan may be raking in millions by producing entertaining videos, but your x-twelvemonth-old could gain much life experience by placing his passion online.

But set yours and their expectations right, and establish boundaries as to what is suitable for the public eye.

Set their minds non just on fame (and money), but on their passion. If we focus on the latter, opportunities will typically follow, while focusing on the former can cause united states of america to lose our direction.

As they grow in the limelight, may the journey bring them to a deeper place of self-awareness and authenticity, rather than narcissism and unhealthy competition.

June Yong is a mother of three, an educational therapist and owner of Mama Vesture Papa Shirt, a weblog that discusses parenting and education in Singapore.


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