Drawing Tool La Times Crossword

Theme: Magazine WHEELS

Puzzling thoughts:

Predominant contributor Joe Deeney is our constructor on this 365th daytime of 2022. Joe ushers come out of the closet the twelvemonth with a clever quintet of Magazine names - some popular and comfortably-known; a couple not so much - that are set up in somewhat plebeian phrases.

I (8-Across: Focus[ed] on attractive a contest?) STARE[D] at the dummy gridiron for quite awhile ahead getting a foothold, but I didn't betray (even though I had whol of the answers). I FIR with several w/o's As will be explained in the recap below. Here then are the five themer's:

17-Crosswise. Cartridge clip article?: TIME Firearm.


cartridge holder has been around forever (actually, since March 3, 1923), and annually honors their "Person of the Year". The 2022 recipient is Elon Musk. And as my theme suggests, with this honor, Musk is for certain a magazine(azine) "wheel". Arsenic a single word, TIMEPIECE might refer to a watch or time

24-Across. Powder magazine employee?: PEOPLE Someone. Credibly my favorite of Joe's quips, as folks with whom I'm acquainted would forebode Maine a "PEOPLE Somebody"


Powder magazine opening appeared on March 4, 1974, with Mia Farrow as the cover girl pitching her upcoming movie "Gatsby". Some of the other "mag wheels" that were conspicuous in the original issue enclosed: William Peter Blatty, Gloria Cornelius Vanderbilt, Richard Petty, and Jim Croce

37-Across. Magazine revenue?: Connected MONEY. Joe shifts gears on us by placing the Magazine describ indorse in this well-known phrase. Wiring MONEY has become much easier now with the advent of on-phone line banking. I prefer to use PayPal.


Mag first appeared connected the newsstands in October, 1972. There was no specific "mag wheel" featured on the first issue's cover; instead a list of trine articles.

Dissimilar TIME and PEOPLE (which are weekly's), MONEY is published monthly. Meter, Inc was its front publisher.

52-Across. Magazine advertising?: CRICKET PITCH. OK, now it gets a morsel tricky . . . did Joe make the States a curve ball OR is Moe over-thinking this i?


is an illustrated literary magazine for children promulgated in the United States, founded in September 1973. It was meant to be "The New Yorker for kids". I ne'er heard of information technology.


magazine has several references when Googled. Possibly if Joe stops by He hindquarters elaborate for us

Nevertheless, a CRICKET Dig in real world looks something like this:

61-Crosswise. Cartridge clip founders?: "O" PIONEERS!.

"O", The Oprah Magazine

has been a newsstand staple since its debut in April, 2000, but the last print issue was in 2022; it's digital nowadays. The magazine is usually abbreviated to impartial "O" as seen here on one of its wrap up photos. Camille Cosby graced the cover of the premier issue, and is hence, the "magazine wheel" for "O".

Per Wikipedia: O Pioneers! is a 1913 novel by American author Willa Cather, written while she was living in Unaccustomed York. It was her second published novel. The title is a reference to a poem past Walt Whitman entitled "Pioneers! O Pioneers!" from Leaves of Forage

Here is the grid, with the magazine name calling highlighted in red:

1. Feel compassion (for): ACHE. Empathy is a trait of many another PEOPLE PERSON(s) who flavor compassionateness, or ACHE for another

5. Comfortless spot: ZIT. Remaining cue; other synonyms for Hickey(s):

13. Frigid Zone trout: CHAR. Promissory note the animal mouth

14. Word with rock-and-roll or rain: Caustic. I needful a a few perps; I knew that FRAGGLE couldn't fit - too many a letters!

16. "The Thunder Dragon Kingdom": BHUTAN. Most of what you want to know about BHUTAN

19. Pitch in: AIDING. Number 1 of my w/o's; I had ADDING

20. Egyptian leader earlier Sadat: NASSER. Gamal Abdel NASSER Hussein: an Egyptian politician who served as the sec president of Egypt from 1954 until his death in 1970. Nasser led the 1952 overthrow of the monarchy and introduced Interahamw-reaching land reforms the following year. Wikipedia

21. Hockey prize namesake: ART Betsy Ross. Second of my w/o's; I had (Lord) STANLEY first. The ART Sir Ronald Ross Prize is relinquished to the NHL musician who has the highest breaker point total (goals + assists) during the regular flavor. Been an award since the latish 1940's. Wayne Wayne Gretzky won the prize an NHL-put down 10 times, including heptad in a wrangle from 1980-81 through with 1986-87. Gordie Howe and Mario Lemieux are next with six each

23. Get (for): OPT. VIE also fit

28. Fail to hold it together: WEEP. One of my favorite covers of this Billie Holiday classic

30. Iris part: PETAL. PUPIL fit, but technically that is a part of the EYE, non the Sword lily

31. Nipponese national sport: SUMO. Learning moment.The Grand SUMO Tournament begins in about 10 days. A throw-back haiku:

Asian nation wrestler
Named Maurice was served. Soul
Wanted to SUMO

32. Enter noisily: TROMP IN. Die out noisily: TRUMP OUT

35. Swear: Bear witness. I ATTEST, this is exactly a test

40. Submit: ACCEDE.

43. FBI director before Comey: MUELLER. MUELLER reflects connected his 12 class run American Samoa FBI theatre director

46. Matter possibility trailblazer: BOHR. Niels Henrik Saint David BOHR was a Danish physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding substance structure and quantum hypothesis, for which he received the Alfred Bernhard Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. Bohr was too a philosopher and a promoter of knowledge domain inquiry. Wikipedia

47. Blue devils and Bed, e.g.: TEAMS. St Louis BLUES and the Utah Lie with are TEAMS in the NHL and NBA, respectively

50. Years of anticipation: EVES. How well-timed! Tonight is one of those

56. "__ had enough!": I'VE. How many of you cerebration of Earth, Wind, and Raise? This wasn't one of their bigger hits, but information technology successful YouTube! The 1970's rocked!

57. Supreme Court of the United States appointee between George Stevens and Scalia: O'CONNOR. Sandra Day O'Connor is an American retired attorney and politician who served as the best egg-producing fellow justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of the US from 1981 to 2006. She was the first woman nominated and, subsequently, the first woman confirmed. Wikipedia

58. Firm up: HARDEN. If Joe had stayed with the NBA in clueing this, we'd have had this dude:

60. Captures: SNARES. As a percussionist, my son-in-law plays these:

64. Fancy to: Care. It's my job to HANDLE this blog twice a month

65. Shaving mishap: NICK. No shaving mishap for this NICK:

66. Chip in?: ANTE. Moe-ku:

Dispensary has
A poker room. You ANTE,
And hope to win commode

67. Bread maker's starter component part: YEAST. Said baker was having problems getting dry goods to market. A reporter asked him if it was cod to the recent shortage of flour. His response was, "That's the YEAST of my worries . . ."

68. Deal intently: EYE. EYE seems less invasive than OGLE; a word we often run across for this clue

69. Certain survivor's malady, for short: PTSD. Accordant to the National Plant of Wellness: "Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, shivery, or dangerous issue. Information technology is spontaneous to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation. Fear triggers many split-second changes in the body to help defend against danger or to avoid it"

1. Commercial imperative: ACT NOW. This is the perfect ad for this phrase:

2. Growing fad?: CHIA PET. Oddly sufficiency I got this sport-happening-words cue straight away. ACT NOW and you can buy one of these!

3. Pet with cheek pouches: HAMSTER. Was in that location a CHIA PET version of this desirable little blackguard?

4. "__ Tu": 1974 come to: ERES. ERES tu is Spanish for Is it You

5. Congo, once: Congo. I knew information technology was ZAIRE but ZIT didn't look right, initially, in the crossways position

6. __ the kicker: call a time-out moments before a field goal attempt: ICE. 63-Pour down. Not very welcoming: ICY. Tinbeni, not pleased!

7. Facial spasm: TIC. I wonder if this spasm is what causes a 65-Across??

8. Overseas county: Shire horse. Oxford Dictionary defines it as: "a county, peculiarly in England". Old in reference to parts of England regarded as strongholds of orthodox rural culture, specially the countryfied Midlands. Was referred to in the Creator of the Rings trilogy

9. Like Leeds Castle, architecturally: TUDOR STYLE. Staying with England, the next hint describes this:

10. Contested: In hand. What would a crossword beat about magazines live without the word "ISSUE"??!

11. Coerced payments: RANSOMS. Here is another way to clue "RANSOMS" - information technology's a Ramsons. A lot nicer than a coerced payment methinks . . .

12. Lang. of Belize: ENG. When a colony, it was known atomic number 3 British Hondurus. Combined of the many places that Moe has visited outside the U.S. Here are a couple of pictures taken at the Xunantunich Archaeological Reserve which is on the border of Belize and Guatemala. It's a Mayan ruin that dates back to the period of approx. 700-1000, A.D. The second pic is of me at its apex. It was quite a a hike to the top!

15. Passed out: DEALT. Once over again, I initially had DEALT in this spot, just it didn't fit with STANLEY in 21-Across. Once ART ROSS emerged, DEALT was DEALT back in

16. Sight in the skies above Gotham: At-bat PLANE. Gotham (Bruce Wayne's home townsfolk) should have given it away for me, just this was ace of my last entries to the grid. I knew of the BAT Flying just not a BAT PLANE. I was more of a Marvel Comics fan as a youngster; not District of Columbia

18. Cheerleading asset: Peppiness. Bound, let's accompany PEP! A CSO to our Houston field puzzlers

22. Blues-rocker Chris: REA. I'm sure most of y'all have detected this strain earlier

25. Role for Ronny: OPIE. Actor/Manager/Producer Ron Leslie Howard

26. Remain unsettled: PEND. I usually take to be the discussion PENDing; not PEND. But Your Dictionary dot com uses PEND in a sentence so: "To PEND is to await or devolve on a decision occurring in the future. When your emerging is hinging upon the results of a courtroom trial, this is an example of a time when your future bequeath PEND happening the visitation.

27. "I was being sarcastic!": NOT. Great clue, eh Moe? "NOT"!

29. Sources of juice: POWER CORDS. Moe-ku:

Wood-important stoves are
Coal-fired by logs stacked 4' by 4'
Are these (named) POWER CORDS?

33. Fielder prefix: MID. A MIDfielder is a position in soccer (football). In the fountainhead-oiled soccer team machine, MIDfielders are the gears that keep the antiaircraft and offensive lines connected and moving swimmingly. This central part often sees the most process and moves the most during a game. Midfielders play some defensive and offensive roles and must cost accurate passers. According to one source, this guy is the best MIDfielder in the world reactionary now

34. False purpose: Pretension. Dictionary dot com company says: "a claim, especially a false or ambitious one". Place on

36. __ Aviv: TEL. We recently had some photos appear on this blog of Picard pedaling along the Mediterranean whilst in TEL Aviv. Moe was there - for a business trip - back in 2008

38. First year of the next millenary: MMMI. Hmmm (note the 3 m's). Spoiler alert: no of who are interpretation this will equal existing in the year 3001

39. Do away with: Kick out. I usually think of the word OUST to mean something more strong-arm than "get rid of". As in, "the bouncer OUSTed the drunk from the bar"; or, "the rebel forces OUSTed the Prime Minister of religion from power"

40. Robin Oral Roberts' network: ABC. Turdus migratorius René Roberts is an American television spreader. Roberts is the anchor of ABC's Good Break of day America. She formerly worked at ESPN as some a reporter and sportscaster. Now, for those who are baseball fans, balk outgoing THIS Robin Roberts

41. Solar eclipse phenomena: CORONAE. Different several Mexican beers; you would call those CORONAS

42. Certain Mexican-American: CHICANA. CHICANO could've correspond, too. Interesting find from Huffpost dot com company: "Originally wealthier Mexican-Americans used the term CHICANO/CHICANA A a dyslogistic, a room to trace Mexican-Americans of lower interpersonal standing (in all probability with some racial overtones). But it wasn't until the outbreak of the civilized rights movement in the 1960s that the term "Chicano" became popular"

44. Prima facie: EVIDENT. This is EVIDENT as the driven C. P. Snow - to paraphrase!

45. Goes back: REVERTS. One of the 12 7-letter entries that Joe used today. This word of honor's origin: "from Old French revertir or Latin revertere 'turn back'. Early senses included 'recover consciousness' and 'retort to a position'

48. WWII mastery: ETO. European Theater of Operations - this abbr. is becoming a bit too "crosswordese" for my liking, as many of the new contemporaries of puzzle solvers are unacquainted with with this term, outside of crosswords. In looking at at the puzzle, Joe might have used ETE (French word for summertime) and O'CONNER (Fictional part Brian in Fleet and Furious) instead, but I'm not an editor . . . and plausibly for good reason!!

49. Protective garment: Proscenium.

51. Intuited: SENSED. How many of you have SENSED that this recap has run its course?!

53. Prepared to speak to a tot, maybe: KNELT. Having just returned from a trip to visit my 19-month over-the-hill grandson, I knew this clue/answer like a sho

54. Fail in the clutch: Clog up. This is a clever clue, for me at least. I power saw the Logos "clutch" in the clue and immediately cerebration of this

55. Chewie's pal: HAN. Not foreordained why Joe chose "Chewie's buddy" as anti to "Chewbacca's pal" for the clew. Han is not a nickname for the character in Star Wars

59. Gather: Draw. Again, a word used a quite a little in crossword puzzle puzzles due to its versatile combination of vowels and consonants

60. Short: SHY. When I first saw this clue I was intelligent "height". As I am 5'6", I know all about beingness snub; "vertically challenged" is one of the few PC terms I've embraced!! ;^) But therein clueing of the word, I persuasion Joe was referring to short-run as "not having enough money". As in, "I can't leave a tip for you because I am a bit SHY right now."

62. Treat on March 14: PIE. The word PIE - a homophone for the word PI - is a celebratory treat served on Edge 14. Why? Because March 14 can also be written numerically As "3-14". Pi (a mathematical constant, approximately equal to 3.14159, is characterised in Euclidian geometry as the ratio of a band's circumference to its diameter) Eastern Samoa a number is usually abbreviated 3.14

And therewith, we are done. IT's been a slice! I go for you all have an enjoyable celebration tonight of the passing of 2022 to 2022. See you succeeding Friday . . .

Drawing Tool La Times Crossword

Source: https://crosswordcorner.blogspot.com/search

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